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How To Choose Interior Paint Colors Based On The Size Of Your Home

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When choosing a paint color scheme for your home, its size is important. While some wall colors look great in large-proportioned rooms, they are totally unflattering in rooms with smaller dimensions. The Effect Of Dark Colors Large rooms lend themselves to deep, striking colors such as dark maroons, reds and greens. The rooms in a large home often feature ample windows that allow in plenty of daylight. An expansive wall with generous windows can carry off the drama of dark, rich colors. Read More»

Three Essential Guidelines for Preparing Concrete for Epoxy Coatings

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Epoxy coatings are highly beneficial for concrete floors. In general, these coatings are colourful and perfect for improving the appearance of dull concrete surfaces. The epoxy is resistant to chemical degradation and will prevent damage to the floors by oil spills. The protective layer will also reinforce the mechanical strength of the concrete surface. Therefore, the rate of wear will be reduced, especially in high impact environments. However, you should remember that performance of the coating will depend on the application of the protective product. Read More»